Page name: SB future [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-25 04:58:59
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Made by [shadows of life] ^^

Wecome to SB future :D
Owned by-[WASHACKED]

The story so far.

Armond's wife has just died, he has two children from her Jace and Luna. Armond being the man that he is sleeps with a young servant girl. The girl becomeing pregnat with a 'bastard child' as it's called since they are not married. Armond had tryed to do the right thing for his child and marry her but when the boy was born the woman died before Armond could marry. His new son having to clam the title of a bastard.

Armond had keept secorit that the kid was his and gotten a friend to watch him. The boy knowing who his father was, was privlaged to see him once a week for 20 minutes. But on one trip Max had over herd his father braging about his other son Jace, and his daughter Luna, never saying Max;s name once. But the man brought up Max;s due to hearing a rumor and Armond says he was a bastard child and nothing more. Young Maximus had been upset and ran away.

Now Maximus is working at a Inn having never been found by them and who stays but his father, and two half siblings.......

Rules >.<

1. All sex gose here------>SB~sexy time;)
2. Please use proper english and no text talk and spelling doesn't matter.
3. All non-RPG talk must go in ().
4. All character's must go here----->SB~characters:)
5. No being mean to each other.

To understand the world of SB's (supernatural beings) you must read this----->SB WAR- LSB TALK.

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2010-02-24 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and bounced Zander,

Eragon looked up at Armond

2010-02-24 [Silverline]: Zander sniffed

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held Eragon close to him

2010-02-24 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and lissed Znader's head.

Eragon held on to Armond

2010-02-24 [Silverline]: Zander chewed his lip

2010-02-24 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed Zander' back, " You can cry."

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond rocked Eragon lightly as he held him close

2010-02-24 [Silverline]: Zander cried into Max's shirt

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max held Zander close, "It's OK I'll get mommys back she's just going away for a bit."

Eragon whimpered

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander sniffed

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and held him close and rocked him

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander smiled a bit

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at him, "There's that smile." He kissed Zander's head

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander giggled and hugged Max

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and hugged him back

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander, I love you daddy^^

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and kissed his head again, "Love you too son."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander smiled

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander yawned

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Bed?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander nodded sleepily

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and took Eragon from Armond and got up holding then he walked out of the room

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander yawned and fell asleep in Max's arms

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and walked to there room

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander was still asleep :D

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max put Eragon to bed than Zander

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander slept for a while, then stated having a nightmare

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max had fallen asleep in a chair in there room

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander whimpered

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked waking up a bit he rubbed his eyes and looked around

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander cried out in his sleep "Mommy!"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and jumped up going to Zander's bed he picked him up and rocked him, "Shhhh it's OK."|

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander woke up crying and hugged Max

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max held on to him tightly and shhed him

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander whimpered and sniffed. I miss mommy.... Is she okay? My dream was bad...

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max kissed his head, "I don't know."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander shook

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max held him close

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander whined "Theres something wrong with Mommy!"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Calm down and tell me whats wrong. I get your worried about mommys but why?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander whimpered "My dream...mommy was sick again...."

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and kissed his head, "Meber the phones we gave mommys wanna call her and check in with her?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander nodded

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max held him and walked out of thw room he pulled out his cellcalling her and putting her on speacker

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Silver jumped and pulled the phone out, answering quietly "Hello?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Hey babys how are you?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Silver smiled a bit "I'm okay,I'm in my old room and David is downstairs..."

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "So how is it going, and your on speacker and Zanders here he was worried about his mommys."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Silver, "Hey Zander, mommy loves you. I'm alright so far,"

Zander smiled

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Well call if you do need any thing and where are you I'm going to send a few guys over to scan the place."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Silver gave him the adress

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Thanks."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Silver, "I love you"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Love you too."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Silver whimpered and whispered "I gotta go," and hung up

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max closed the phone, "See mommys is fine."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander smiled

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and kissed his head

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander yawned

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Back to bed?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander nodded

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and went and tucked Zander in again

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander smiled and fell asleep quickly

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max sat down in the chair in there room

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [Time skip, morning?]

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: [Sure..... and if mothings going on you can always just writer 'time skip...... (how long you skip)' dont have to ask XD]

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [Lol okay, sorry]

Zander woke up and yawned. Daddy, my clothes feel tight

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: [XD tis ok just saying.]

Max opened his eyes, "Hum?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander sat up, looking about five years old

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max yawned and rubbed his eyes, "What had you said Son?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: My jammies are too tight, Zander frowned

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max got up and looked at him for a few minutes he blinked and sighed, "You grew son that's why." He picked up Zander and went to the closet

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander frowned

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max set Zander down and pulled off his old cloths and went and pulled out new ones

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander yawned and stretched

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max dressed Zander in new cloths yawning

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander, I'm hungry

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK what shall I make you?" He picked up Zander

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander Hmmmm... bacon!

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and nodded walking out

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander smiled

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max walked to the kitchen and set down Zander and started to cook

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander hummed while he waited

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max finshed and set a plate in frount of Zander on the table

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander ate his bacon quickly. Is mommy coming home today? he asked impatiently

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Not today, maybe in a week or so."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander frowned. Why?!

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Cause I need to go to work and talk to a few people first."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Zander pouted and kept eating

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond growled a little on the phone,"That is not good enough!"he hanged up and sighed, Son, come here please. the sent to Max's mind as he looked at his soilders, Ruben, Vita, Hope, Amara and the others. Luna, Mina, Alice, Wyatt, Holly and Cash where in the room as well.

Mina,"Armond your soilders are doing the best they can."she said softly.

Mike knocked on the door of Armond's house, he was with Emilia, Mini and the rest of the wolf pack.

Liz growls as she is still tied to the bed in her room and her dark side is trying to take her over.

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned,a dn kissed Zander's head, "I'll be back son." He telaported to the room, "Yes?"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"I have everyone here to help with Silver to get her back."

Luna hugged Max,"I'm so sorry bro."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded looked at Luna, "OK you lost it."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at him,"hey I just gave birth two days ago, okay? I left my baby girl with Zanra. Just so I could come here and help you get you Sliver back."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "You did lose it."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sighed,"A welcome would be nice."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Once I know I'm not in a nightmare."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sighed,"You try and help family adn they think they in a nightmare."she mubbles

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "With how you are yes."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"If you don't want my help then I'm going back to my baby girl. And who is healthy and very beauitful thanks for asking. Oh and her name is Annie."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sighed,"I miss the old Max, the one that I use to fight with. At least he talked."she mubbles

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his, "Dad likes mme better now."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sighed,"Well at leasted you talk more back then."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "I grew up."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"True and now your like him."she nodded to Armond that looked he was losting his temper.

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and shook his head, "Always was." He looked at her annoyed

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna rolled her eyes at him

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max just shugged

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Can we get back to buisness here?" and everyone nodded.

Mina walked into the room with Mike, Mimi and Emilia and with the rest of the wolf pack

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max glanced at Mike, "Gandfather, you should be in bed still."

Jace was leaning on the wall.

Niol was sitting in a chiar

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"You can't keep an old wolf like me down for long and plus I wanted to help my grandson to find his love wife."he smiles and hugged Max.

Mina walked to Jace and stood next to him.

Cash was sitting next to Niol.

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and hugged him back, "Still you should be in bed."

Jace smiled at her

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"When Emilia told me about it I couldn't stay away."

Emilia,"And trust me cousin I tryed my best to keep him in bed but he is too stubborn to listen." she sighed,"And I'm sorry about Silver, cousin."

Mina smiles at Jace

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit at Emilia a bit shocked and looked at Mike, "stubborness runs thogh both sides of the family/" He chukled/

Jaz, "Yes and you got it from both sides."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna chuckles,"So true mum." she hugged her,"You should come and see little baby Annie after we get Sliver back."

Mike chuckles

Emilia,"Hey no need to be shocked cousin. I'm not all cold hearted."she chuckles

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes.

Jaz chukled and hugged her, "We will."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Wyatt hugged Max,"I'm sorry uncle. I'll help you find auntie Sliver."

Mike,"Right then, let's get this meeting started."

Luna smiles at Jaz

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I know where she is."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: They looked at him with shocked looks.

Armond,"You know where she is?"

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "The cell phine I gave her I called cause Zander was scared and wanited her."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"So where is she?"

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max told him

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond and everyone else litstened

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max finshed

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and nodded.

Mike patted Max's back,"We'll get her back, grandson."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at Mike and nodded

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike smiles back

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes and he herd Eragon crying, "I'll be back." He steped out of the room.

Jaz sighed

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and wrapped an arm around Jaz.

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max came back holding the teary eyed eragon, "This is Eragon."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at Eragon,"He is a cutie pie, isn't he?"she smiles

Mina,"Awwww sooo cute."she smiles then she looked at Jace,"I want another baby."she smiles up at him brightly.

Cash,"He looks so much like you."

Emilia nodded,"Yep looks so much like you, cousin."

Mike,"A greatgrandson?"he smiles

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Yeah.... no, you have a grand kid coming right Wyatt."

Max chukled and passed him to Mike who was closest, "Eragon this is grandpa Mike, my grandfather."

Eragon's eyes went wide, "Your old."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"That I am,greatgrandson."he held Eragon and chuckled

Mina's face dropped,"But...Jace."she frowned,"We'll talk about this later."

Wyatt chuckled,"Your in troble now dad."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Eragon giggled and hugged Mike.

Jace sighed

Max chukled, "Jace we can get ya fixed than she cant ask."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina looked at Max,"Can we get back to looking for your wife."she snapped softly.

Mike hugged him back

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "OK but still Jace I'm handey with knifes."

Jaz, "Maximus stop your acting like your father." She slaped the back of his head with a book.

Eragon giggled, "Daddys got it."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Yes, your father shouldn't be talking about stuff like that in front of the family."

Mina sighed and leaned on Jace.

Armond,"Actting like me?"

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed the back of her head.

Jaz, "You've said that to Jace before more than once, when Mina put on a bit and freacked about being pregnet and he told us.

Eragon giggled

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shrugged,"And your point, love?"

Mike held him

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Jaz sighed, "You two are too much alike."

Max shugged.


2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"And I argee with Eragon."

Mike bounced him,"This isn't the place for a child, Maximus. Let one of the family look after him until we're done."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and nodded

Jace took Eragon, "I will, I'm not the fighter in the faimly, and Wyatt your not eather come on. I dont want you hurt." He pulled Waytt out after him holding on to Eragon

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Wyatt," fair!"he sighed as he got dragged away,"Hey what about Alice? Why dose she get to stay?"

Alice,"Cause I'm a fighter, beef head!"she called to him

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Jace pushed Wyatt out the door and handed him Eragon he pulled Alice out, "Nether does she, come on you two."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alice,"Hey! I'm a better fighter than Wyatt and you, so let me help uncle Max."she pouted

Wyatt held Eragon

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "NO." He closed the door after him and Alice where out.

Max sighed and sat down in frount of Mike's chair

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alice growls at JAce,"No fair dad. Uncle Max was there for me when i got...nevermind."she stormed off to the library.

Mike patted Max's knee,"There young and want to help."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Jace sighed shaking his head.

Max nodded, "I know but Jace ins worried and they probley think it;s right with me getting so involed when I was 14."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike nodded,"But such is life,grandson. Everyones path is different."

Alice slammed the door to the library and cryed softly as she layed on the sofa.

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "I know you;ve told me..... alot. Expeshally after I wainted to kill niol for the de age thing."

Niol shuddered, "Your father told me what you had plained, your like well thats just scarey nightmares. You need to go in to horror films or books."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cash put an arm around Niol protectively.

Mike chuckled

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "I was mad, ok don't get me mad or..."

Jaz finshed, "Or you;ll be like you father when he;s mad." She chukled. "Or Mike when he was mad and yoing." .

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"I'm still young Jaz."he chuckles.

Armond's mouth twiched.

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Jaz chukled, "When he was healtyer."

Max shook his head, "Get it I dont get mad I get pissed out of me mind. Let;s move on."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike chuckles.

Luna,"So how are we all going to get Sliver back?"

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Well from what I got so far with a few guys I sent down they have the place on low matinane with people but high with sercrity electronices found at each conor of the property with the controles and the main controles to them all inside."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Easy I can get Mimi to hack into it and turn it off."

Mimi,"Yes, I can do that."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Not so simple I tryed and they have so many fire walls only way to bring it down is if four people do it to each one at once."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"I can do one, so can Mimi."

Ruben,"I'll do one."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "And I'll do one or we could get Jace since he does work with computers."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia,"Alright."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "I'm not sure about the inside but once we get the computers haked there might be camras or something

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi,"I can take them out."

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "But first we need to see what the house looks like on the inside, and there might be people watching camras so you need to put up a fake image so they think there still watching but can't see any one else in the building."

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi,"Sure thing, sir."she smiles

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Max rolled his eyes

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike looked at Max,"It is the way your wolf must address you, grandson."

Emilia chuckles,"I don't."

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I know that, gramps."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike nodded.

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed his eyes, "Once we do see what the house looks like from inside we can do more. They might have thoths things that make you not be albe to telaport in side

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded,"Well I'll get Jace to check that out."

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and his cell phine rang he sighed pulling it out, "Hello?" He lisened and sighed closing it after a few minutes. "Dad, gramps. Mina we acully have to go to the SB counial room, they siad they have something to talk with us about."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded,"I wonder what about." he said as he helped Mike up off his chair.

Mike,"Armond I'm not a pup, I can take of myself but thank you for the help."

Mina nodded as she walked to Armond,Mike and Max. Jace I have to go to the SB counial,they want to talk to Armond,Mike, Max and myself. So I'll be back soon, love you. she sent to Jace's mind,"Car or teleporting?"

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max got up, "You up for telaporting gramps?"

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Sure, I've been teleported before."

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and wraped an arm around Mike he telaported them

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike held onto Max

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max appered out side the coucail room and opened the door for Mike

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mike,"Thank you grandson."he walked in the room

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and held the door waiting for Armond and Mina since you cant telaport in the room. "Grandpa take my seat."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond and Mina walked in.

Mike,"Grandson I'm not a pup nor I'm a the high vampire or pack master, now you take the seat. because I'm taking Mina's chair."he said as he sat in Mina's chair.

Mina chuckles then she looked over at Max then she blinked when she saw a girl with blond hair walk by Max. She it can't be. she thought

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and than he blinked and looked at Poppy with a frown he shook his head and went and sat in his seat.

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina stood behind Mike.

Armond sat in his chair,"So why are we all here?"

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Wish I knew."

Marius walked in and nodded to them, "Lords, and Ladys."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina looked at Marius then she nodded back.

Armond,"Why are we here,Marius?"he said in a bored voice.

Mike nodded back to marius

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Marius, "Yeah we all have other things to do, and with what happened I'm not sure this place is even safe at the moment."

Marius frowned, "Well I was told to tell you all something. Since the other counsil members are tecnally alive and have not steped down the second in commands can not take there places. Tecnally Maximus is the only one aloud to rule at the moment

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina sighed as she understood,"I see."

Mike,"Maximus rules both vampires and all weres. So the only real problem are for the other SB's."

Poppy knocked on the door,"Hello?"

Mina went to answer the door, she opened it,"Sorry but the counial is in...Poppy..what are you doing here?"

Poppy,"I'm the leader of all the SB ghosts that are trapped here, so I'm here to help."she walked pasted Mina into the room.

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Poppy shocked than frowned and turned to Marius his face blank, "Yes so what about the pther SBs."

Marius bit his lip, "Well the councail had been haveing meeting with out you and well there was something they where discussing with out any of you knowing."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy,"And that would be?" she asked as she leaned on the wall.

Armond looked at Poppy then too Marius,"Yes, what it?"

Mina closed the door and went back to standing behind Mike

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Marius bit his lip, "Well Mike, Armond and Mina will know what I mean Armond you might have been keeping this from Max. But 'Profetia de aceasta negru ' is what they talked about."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond stood up and banged his hand on the table,"No!"

Mina sighed,"Yes, I've heard of it."

Poppy,"Calm down Armond."she snapped at him.

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked at Armond, "Dad calm down and what is he talking about?" He glanced at Poppy and glared at her, "Don\t snap at him eather." He turned to Armond with a frown.

Marius frowned, "I should probley let your father explain it one of the laws since I'm lower class I can not explain it to you."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy shrugged,"Why would the other council memebers be talking about that?"

Armond flex his jaw as he sat down,"Bloody councal memeber."he mubbled.

Mike,"Stop acting like a child, Armond."

Mina,"And if you do not tell him, I will."

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Yes tell me."

marius frowned, "Well they think it might be talking of Maximus and theve been talking about it since Maximus steped in to the SB world even before he became a coucail member they said they just saw it in him."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Poppy nodded,"And the ghosts have been talking about this too, I'm sorry to say. The ghosts see and hear everything."

Armond,"Not here and not now, son."

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "If this concerns me, than I do want to know."

Marius, "Maximus, Your father whould usslay brig you down to the vampires hidden libaey and explain it there thats usally how it's passed down."

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded

2010-02-27 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Than I say let's go, dad come on please."|

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